Monday, September 17, 2012

Free speech can be ugly and have ugly consequences, as we are seeing with violent protests in the Middle East over a film made in America.  From most Americans' perspectives, this one seems pretty simple.  Since few are Muslims, it is easy to say free speech is essential, even if it is offensive.

At the same time, the issue of flag burning still brings up vehement reactions here, even to the point where some have suggested a constitutional amendment to ban it.  Also, the ACLU has been castigated for defending the free speech rights of Nazis and members of NAMBLA - not what they stand for but their right to express their beliefs regardless of how abhorrent.

The five basic freedoms guaranteed in the first amendment to the Constitution are essential in a free and open society.  Chipping away at them for special cases is a truly bad idea, regardless of one's own, particular special case.


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